ARE Expert
Within the framework of consulting services in the field of technical audit, the company performs work in the following areas:
1. Analysis of the state of building as a whole and of the systems separately, which includes the analysis of the energy efficiency of the building and the preparation of plans:
- operational plan - OPEX, which includes the budgeting and the plan for the implementation of activities for the facility’s maintenance;
- investment plan - CAPEX, within the framework of which the efficiency of capital investments in the modernization of buildings, budgeting and schedule of investment activities aimed at increasing the investment attractiveness of the facility, optimizing the indicators for energy efficiency, reducing operational costs for operation is being implemented.
- calculation of a variable financial model for optimizing operating costs and designing capital investments within the framework of ensuring the smooth functioning of large real estate objects. Based on the previous financial, technical indicators, as well as assessing the feasibility of realizing the engineering potential of building operation, the dynamic model and ROI coefficients are calculated.
2. Technical audit and supervision of the state of engineering systems of buildings
Activities in this area include technical audit of systems and preparation of an expert opinion, which includes a brief description of the state of technical systems to support the life of the facility, its economic, marketing and financial development potential and the possibility of modernization of the facility.
Technical supervision presupposes the control of contractors at sites that are given to Are Russia in support, but not in comprehensive service. The company acts as a guarantor, but uses the existing contractors of the client and forms a tender area for finding new ones.